Life Happens...

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We bring awareness to everyday situations that may cause trauma. We help define triggers so that we can eliminate or manage undue stress in life. We assist in locating resources to help maintain a healthier life.

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Still Smiling Through the Storm

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This book is an emotion filled, heart-tugging group of words that follows the life experiences of a young girl to a woman. A lot of these poems give a release of feelings for certain experiences. I was raped the summer before I started high school. Which I believe this was part of what made me a little hesitant of people. My assailant was a former acquaintance. Later in life, I went through the typical growing up, and liking boys that really never paid any attention to me. Then when I was about 21 my grandfather became ill, and I learned that he had been in remission for years. This is when I started to grow up really fast.

To promote & educate people on healing by identifying what areas need care. To bring light to ways to take care of yourself as you take care of other things. To show others that at times they must come first.

To use research and life lessons to speak to groups about what mental care and self-care look like for all ages. To bring people together to show how to check-in periodically and prioritize their mental health.

• To educate and empower people to manage a healthier lifestyle through healing/care.
• To share information through experience as a guide for others to self-healing.
• To inspire positive change through teaching and mentoring.
• To positively impact the lives of others through personal experiences with self-care and mental care.
• To discuss what could be triggers and creative ways to manage them.
• To discuss what trauma can look like.
• To locate and bring together resources for all ages.

• To bring awareness and educate all ages on identifying their care and healing.
• To increase check in sessions individually, families and groups.
• To facilitate events/retreats to encourage and educate while growing in health and healing.